Monday, November 15, 2010


Catatonically Speaking

Maxwell Baumbach's Suburban Rhythm (Book Review) by David McLean
The Deerhunter of Our Halcyon Dreams (CD Review) by Alison Ross
Michael McAloran's The Gathered Bones (Book Review) by David McLean
Felino Soriano's Of Collocated Rhythms (Book Review) by Alison Ross
Michael McAloran's Debris (Book Review) by David McLean
A Disquieting Read (Pessoa Book Review) by Alison Ross
Michael McAloran's Final Fragments (Book Review) by David McLean
Carl Jung Would Hate Inland Empire (Film Review) by Alison Ross
Otherworldly Levertov (Book Review) by Alison Ross
Eponymous But Not Anonymous (Interpol CD Review) by Alison Ross
Metaphysical and Mediocre (Lotus Plaza and Arcade Fire CD Reviews) by Alison Ross

Only if We Let It (Polemic) by Sheila Samples
Recipe for a Rational Strategy for Economic Recovery (Satirical Polemic) by Edwin Young
Deconstructing Republican Ideology (Satirical Polemic) by Gil Waters
Why the Palin Political Types are the Front Runners (Polemic) by Edwin Young
Juche (Satire) by Amy David
Flourishing on Foreclosures (Polemic) by Edwin Young
Waiting for Godama (Satire) by George Held
Who Has the Solutions to the World's Unsolvable Dilemmas? (Polemic) by Edwin Young
Obama and Bush Lookin' Good (Visual Satire) by MJ
Intensive Care Challenge (Satire) by Jon Wesick
SUVs Suck, Babies Burp, Hipsters Heave (Mini-polemix) by Alison Ross
The Blame Game (Polemic) by Edwin Young

Two poems by Patricia Carragon
January Was the Wound by Simon J. Charlton
Fulumb Lerrinigwla by Jason Graff
Two poems by Rich Murphy
Two poems by Cindy Sostchen-Hochman
Two poems by John Yohe
Three poems by Dennis Mahagin
Scar Clans by Maria Gornell
Three poems by Connie Stadler
Bukowski by Barbara Moore
Waterworks by Carl Kavadlo
Two poems by John Calvin Hughes
Three poems by Felino Soriano
Two poems by Lisa McAllister
Two poems by Luis Cauhtemoc Berriozabal
Homemade Tenor by Stephanie Smith
Want Ad by Greg Willard
The Jigsawn by Kathleen Kirk
Where is it Hiding? by Richard F. Yates
Two poems by Michael McAloran
A Love Poem (Tweet Poetry) by Richard Farrell
Done in the Eye by Levi Wagenmaker
Two poems by Ryan Quinn Flanagan
Two poems by Joseph Farley
Empty Bottle Love by David Mac
Three poems by Scott Orris
Two poems by Jay Coral
Three poems by Peycho Kanev
Sitting With Theodore Roethke 2 by Fred Wolven

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