Sunday, January 20, 2013



Catatonically Speaking: Rape Means Rape

Two Poems by Valentina Cano
More Time by Paul Tristram
Ghosts of New York by Jeremy Freedman
When You Shoot Unicorns by James Babbs
Three Poems by David McLean
Does the Boatman Accept Plastic? by David Mac
And then and then and then and then (Red) by Neil Ellman
Soulskin by Roberta Chloe Verdant
Ladder of Arrows by John Swain
Chore by Austin Alexis
Two Poems by Jason Heroux
Two Poems by Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal
Two Poems by Joseph Goosey
Hashtag V. Literati by Stephanie Guo
How Could You Love by Joseph DiLella
Velvet by James Mirarchi
Two Poems by Felino Soriano
Autumnal Quiz by Sara Callor
Are You Sure You Want to Download The Following? by Michael Malpiedi
Circumstance by Stephanie Smith
Two Poems by Michael Lee Johnson
The Red House by Jonathan Hayes

Adapted for the American Kitchen (Satire) by Jon Wesick
The Care and Maintenance of the Ninja (Satire) by Laura Roberts
Vaccination Against Facts (Satire) by Kane X. Faucher
Children Under the Influence (Satire) by Rick Deitrick
God Bless AmeriK-47 by Alison Ross
Erection 2012 Phun Kwiz (Satire) by Alison Ross
We Are All Poor by Alison Ross
The Media Promotes Dangerous Myths by Edwin Young
Criminality in the Modern Global 'Community' by Edwin Young
Who Stole the World and How Did They Do It? by Edwin Young
Corporate Media Induces Compartmentalization of Values By Edwin Young

Carolyn Srygley-Moore's Miracles of the BloG (Book Review) by David McLean
Finite Magic (Book Review of Isabelle Allende) by Alison Ross
Dystopia, Michigan (Movie Review) by Alison Ross
Vivian Girls Get OFF! On Torching Swans (CD Mini-Reviews) by Alison Ross

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