Monday, August 26, 2013

waking up on the wrong side of town by Philip Miletic

i woke up and needed a drink

so i went to my regular bar

but it was a café

the same man who always

explained why he drank here

(because it’s just natural, he said)

says now that he just enjoys the atmosphere

some guy says

he accidently fell through

an occupied bathroom stall

during a caffeine buzz

and when I ordered a beer

the waitress said

that I shouldn’t be drinking

espresso this late at night

the drunk bum

cries into a cappuccino

Author bio:

Philip Miletic is a PhD student at the University of Waterloo. His fiction has appeared in The Danforth review and dead (g)end(er), his poetry has been featured in ditch, and he will have his visual poetry published in the upcoming (August) issue of Otoliths. He lives in Kitchener, ON.

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