Saturday, June 7, 2014

Two poems by Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal


I don’t weep


for life’s
I wake up
at dawn
and blue.

The bitter
moon shines
and smiles
at me.



I never meant to feel like this.

Life is full of promises like
broken teeth.  I never meant
to fall for you.  Still your
imprints are deep inside me.
No one can tell me to be
careful.  I am sober all day
long.  Still I cannot sleep.
There is nothing I could do,
but stare at the stars.  They
are dying and their light is
dead.  I never meant to feel
this way.  I hear the sound of
trucks at night driving to far
off destinations and I want
to go too.  You make it hard
to live.  There is a scar in
my heart.  I feel blue.  There
is no chemistry here.  My
broken teeth are bleeding.
The world is spinning around
like letters in a vacuum.
I don’t want to sweat things.
I feel too cold to stay around.

Author bio: 

Luis works in the mental health field.  His latest poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Camel Saloon, Dead Snakes, Mung Being, Yellow Mama, and Zygote in My Coffee. 


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