Monday, July 18, 2011

Coffee Shop Renegades by Randy Lowens

Crumpled piece of paper in a college student's hand.
Ball point ink blots on a denim knee.
This is art?

The tourists' heels click faster as they pass us.
Cops ride by and stare beneath their flattops.
“Better clean up your act, you dirty poets!”
My subjects and verbs don't simply disagree; they go to war.
I mix a tall, cool metaphor and take a sip.

A hawk spirals upwards to the sun.
It touches, sizzles, and begins to fall.
The smoky trail of its descent scribes a hyperbolic arc
to earth below.

I am guilty of crimes against the syntax.
I've seen it all, and felt it, too,
but oh, the things I've read.

Punk rock lyrics in an Appalachian diction.
A timid tale told from a spiral bound notebook.
Crumpled piece of paper in a college student's hand.
Ball point ink blots on a denim knee.
This is art, y'all. This is art.

Author bio:

Randy Lowens' poetry has been featured in Blue Collar Review, and his stories in Wrong Tree Review, Fried Chicken and Coffee, and elsewhere. He blogs at, where a complete list of publishing credits may be found.


Don Jennings said...

The blog is actually The typo was mine. Sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

Dam Randy, I Love all your writings. It's your choice of words....reminds me of Hemmingway but way better. When you're writing your memoirs,remember your ~;-)'S name!

Don Jennings said...

"Reminds me of Hemmingway but way better..."

You're a scream, Jeannie. Thank you for reading, and for your kind words.