Sunday, April 24, 2011

Three poems by Felino Soriano

Certainty unwed

Personas erupt counterpunching
positional elongated grandeur
eloping mid-wealth rendition of philosophical

corruption. Said of
complex verbs distinguish hearsay
mere |ly| say|said|
past participatory
tense of vocalizing now’s merited hanker. Wilted
architectural validity
balanced asymmetry placid reknuckling
dedicated harboring
western thought
built mores
underlying transgressional passion of the eye’s vocal


‘neath surfaced poverty


visualized death’s dimensional

concrete, cracked, crooked spine: abolition

wilt of ornamental finger
upon autumn’s allegorical existence
breathing vaporous letters of explanatory diligence, suspended. Death
walking window
read by squinching visual ascertaining, collected surfaces
excess warp and denial of breath
evacuated accordance sans descriptive



artificial monotone
of the
tongue’s afterward revival
misspeaking actual acceleration
voltage hereditary indifference, spoken
—after cyclic dimensional misnomers
exaggerated narratives reflectional sessions
heard regarding inaugural meanderings
particular interpretations beyond roles of the listening’s
ravenous exhibited silences

Author bio:

Felino A. Soriano (b. 1974) is a case manager and advocate for adults with developmental and physical disabilities. In 2010, he was chosen for the Gertrude Stein "rose" prize for creativity in poetry from Wilderness House Literary Review. Philosophical studies collocated with his connection to various idioms of jazz explains motivation for poetic occurrences. For information, including his 43 print and electronic collections of poetry, over 2,700 published poems, interviews, and editorships, please visit his website:

Artist bio:

Paul McMillan is self-taught artist working primarilly in oil. He works in various themes and genres with special concern for surrealism. Occasionally, his work includes original words and music. Paul recognised he was an artist at age 5 and still feels the same at 57, but is more habitual in the pracice of his art in a world that makes less sense daily. His art piece above is titled, "Self Salvation From A Dream of the Fear of my Own Death."

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