Saturday, October 30, 2010

Scar clans by Maria Gornell

He said

The beautiful misty moon

Reminded him of me

In the mystique of night

Like shadows gathering – the

Eternal connections of darkness

Combined with light.

He describes woman as a wilderness

Barely explored in all her

Exotic glory – each journey

A season through rough

And smooth terrain.

He said men both

Feared and intrigued by

Her softness, warm juice

Between her thighs

How he’d happily drink

From her - respecting

Every curve and line.

He said she roamed in

Scar clans with the

Ocean in her heart

Her hair like sacred mane

Her words a soft caress

Her inner beauty infinite

Her eyes as magical as stars

He stood tall like tree

Sheltering her, protecting

With his boughs

Knowing that only self love

Could heal them from

The past’s motherless arms.

Author bio:

Maria Gornell has been published in various online zines and in print just to name a few here - The beat, lit up mag, Outside writers Plebian rag and heroin love songs. In print she appears in shoots and vines All female anthology ’I can not be your virgin and your mother' agua issue 1 Scintillating publications, Liverpool 800 anthology, Clinicality press; Clinical, Brutal... An Anthology of Writing with Guts as well as erbacce press anthology; Blood at the Chelsea. She lives in Liverpool, UK and is currently training in counselling.


Zodiac Poet said...

you go girl, love it!

Zodiac Poet said...

Yeah! Brilliant as always!