Sunday, August 8, 2010

Three poems by Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal


Such light, the sun shines.
Above a coquette
bird tries to
woo me with a song.
It is a blackbird.
It balances itself on a thin branch.
As the sunlight scorches
the bird sings and
I make small-talk
with no one in particular.
The more the birds sings
to me the more the sun shines
and I fall into a trance.
With my senses gone
I am not myself.
My ears are filled with sun
and song. Another
bird begins to sing me out
of my trance, but
the song cannot save me.



He’s half-man and half-God,
but the sum of his parts is
locked up in a psych ward.
He can’t get out for three days
because he continues to harm
himself due to his delusions.

He believes he could break
through walls, but the only
thing he breaks is his bones.
He cannot heal as fast as
he thinks. He threatens the
doctor, but this doesn’t help.
He’s half-man and half-God.
But this is all in his mind.



I dreamt so deep
my brain detached.
I walked without
a brain and all
my thoughts were free.
Toads replaced my
brain. My moods changed.
My broken thoughts
opened my mind.
The palms of my
hands turned white and
tasted like wine.
The king of the
toads and a
brain like substance
leapt in my brain.
Anything was
possible for
me. My dreams were
my life saver.

Author bio:

Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal has new poems at Calliope Nerve and will have more poems in the near future
at Ascent Aspirations and Bolts of Silk.

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