Monday, July 26, 2010

sucking away the splits by Ross Leese

there are no solutions for it--

you just keep going and going
and putting on the bravest face you can
and smiling and answering and nodding
whenever needed
and crossing the t's and dotting the
I's wherever needed
and there are no real solutions for it--

you just keep eating at regular intervals
drink when you're thirsty
stay wrapped up in winter
and cool in summer
and sign all of the correct forms
and accept all the same old bullshit
from the same old bulls
and there are no real solutions for it--
you just keep on turning up at the factories
and offices and hospitals
and supermarkets
and you keep on sucking the dick
kissing the brown
clocking in
clocking out
and there are no solutions to it of course--

you just keep doing and doing
and going and going
and there's little else to do of course
but to do and to sleep
and to wake and to do
and to sleep and to wake
and of course

you're far from being the
only one on this god damn
desperate world stuck within this
depressing cycle--

which somehow makes the
certainty of the

all the more

Author bio:

Ross Leese is a 30 year old has been who tends to be far too miserable, far too often.


Anonymous said...

Fuck me, that's good. That's everything I want in a poem. Right there. Thanks

Anonymous said...

i love your words ross!

Anonymous said...

you deserve your own book...