Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Three poems by Felino Soriano

Three poems
by Felino Soriano

Approbations 397
—after Peter Garland’s Walk in Beauty: Lightning Flash

Electronic fingers
manipulate luminosity, lend
fear to the psyche’s naïve
disposition. Among
damaged positions of oaks’
aligned sans fallacy, I become
familial to the contouring shadows
holding hands with minute struggles
of beetles’ terrorizing scampers,
hustling into angles of wide open


Approbations 398
—after Sonny Simmons’ A Distant Voice

Leans into analogous ears,
by the finalizing darkness
bodies walk into,
dismayed. Relaying scent,
a gift of the whispering brand
of blended diversions, mirages’
hind legs rotate into directional
luxates, bridging distance and elongated
rapture, kneeling before overheard
karma of ignored salutations.


Approbations 399
—after Fred Anderson’s Changes and Bodies and Tones

Say, the child
remains allusive, thus
recalls to the self of his first step,
glamorous; thus, queries
into change is the awkward fascination with
removing through moving
across life’s constant reapprovals. Too,
say, the man hires a new dispositional contract;
in his altered temperament, he
believes in the essence of I’s
virtuous titles. Child and maturated species,
become tones of physicality’s vocal delusions:

change of the body’s colorful atonement
requires philosophical direction from mischievous
relatable abstract cardinal expiation.

Author bio:

Felino A. Soriano (b. 1974), is a case manager and advocate for developmentally and physically disabled adults. He has authored 28 collections of poetry, including “Construed Implications” (erbacce-press, 2009) and “Delineated Functions of Congregated Constructs” (Calliope Nerve Media, 2010). His poems have appeared at Calliope Nerve, Unlikely 2.0, BlazeVOX, Metazen, Otoliths, and elsewhere. He edits & publishes Counterexample Poetics, an online journal of experimental artistry, and Differentia Press, dedicated to publishing e-chapbooks of experimental poetry. In 2010, he was chosen for the Gertrude Stein "rose" prize for creativity in poetry from Wilderness House Literary Review. Philosophical studies collocated with his connection to classic and avant-garde jazz explains motivation for poetic occurrences. His website explains further: Felino Soriano.

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