Sunday, January 6, 2008

One themed poem by Gabriella Jönsson

(Inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe's Pelvis with Shadow and the Moon and William Blake's The Tyger)
by Gabriella Jönsson

For William Blake and Georgia O'Keeffe

The cat is also a poem:
his claws lovingly snatched
around my collar bone.
When he purrs it vibrates up
my throat.

He chews on my tuft of hair
while his tail swishes
and my pen

Soon I will be fine as bones
a playhouse
to curl into
in the light of moon.

Author bio:

Gabriella Jönsson's texts have also appeared in Ponton, Serum, Bard, The Turnip and most recently in From Glasgow to Saturn. Gabriella was born just outside Malmö, Sweden and lives, now and then, around Stirlingshire, Scotland.

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