Thursday, December 13, 2007

One themed poem by John T. Clark

The Wrest of Us
by John T. Clark

In the beginning, out of the great dearth,

There was created the heavens, the earth;

It was said “Let there be light.” There came light

And light became day and the darkness night.

The second day’s work? - Waters under sky..

The third day’s writhe?– Land, plants that fructify...

The fourth wrenched sun, moon, days, years into place...

The fifth wrought fishy things for each briny space.....

The sixth wreaked fauna, every furry thing......

To That-Great-Vague-Something-Behind-Everything*:

With all the toil of this wonder-filled task

And the wretched state of mankind, I ask,

Was a respite needed before wresting us

Considering the shape of the platypus?

*This is a term used by James Joyce for the deity.

Author bio:

John T. Clark currently has seventy-one poems appearing in twenty-four poetry journals (Exit 13, The Innisfree Poetry Journal, Lachryma, Hidden Oak, The Boston Literary Magazine, Contemporary Rhyme, Mobius, Hospital Drive, Cynic, Right Hand Pointing, Clockwise Cat, Byline, Atlanta Review, The Centrifugal Eye, Wordgathering, Tiger’s Eye, Spindle, Paradox, Halfway Down The Stairs, Elysian Fields Quarterly, Perspectives, Mississippi Crow and Vocabula). Additionally, he has penned The Joy of Lex – an upbeat romp of seventy-five sonnets (seventeen published) and a crown which tells the story of life with Lex, the best service dog in the world and Othering – a collection of 150 sonnets (twenty published) which recounts the journey of a person who becomes “an other” facing a burgeoning physical disability.

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